Top 7 Paint Problems & How to Fix Them
A simultaneous cheer and sigh of relief go up when the surroundings are newly painted. Within a couple of years, there come up with various paint problems. Well, it does not have to be that way.
The key to ward off different paint problems; is to understand the causes of numerous said failures and then how to fix them. Specific types of issues, along with their remedies, are listed below.
1. Alligatoring
A prevalent issue leading to failure of paint is alligatoring. Well, it so as the cracked paint resembles the skin of an alligator — this issue caused as the paint applied in too many layers leading to inner layers losing elasticity. With a change in temperature, the surfaces expand and contract and the brittle paint breaks.
The issue can resolved by removing the old paint entirely by scraping and sanding. The surface should then be primed with high-quality water-based primer and painted with top quality exterior water-based paint.
2. Blistering
This failure arises by moisture getting behind the paint, or by painting over damp surfaces. Moisture blisters in paint usually occur when moisture evaporates to form vapour bubble under an impermeable layer of colour, especially on new or oil coatings.
To get rid of blisters first try to remove the source of moisture and then scrape and sand the surface.
The white or yellowish usually mineral salt formed on plaster due to moisture migrating through the surface, evaporating, leaving mineral crystals behind. Efflorescence is hygroscopic and will continue to accumulate.
To prevent this issue before using the acidic solution, flood the surface with clean water and then allow the solution to set before scouring off the efflorescence with a stiff brush.
4.Sagging or running
These occur when the paint applied over glossy surfaces, or due to excessive paint thinning, or paint is applied to a dirty surface or in weather below the recommended temperature.
Proper application of paints and surface preparation will help eliminate sags and runs. These sometimes are an indication of an inexperienced painter.
5.Poor stain resistance
You are using lower quality paints that are porous in nature and application of paint on unprimed substance.
Prevention of this is possible with the use of higher quality latex paints that contain more binder, that helps prevent stains from penetrating the painted surface, allowing easy removal according to painting services Melbourne.
6.Surfactant leaching
Surfactant leaching failures show up if there is an incompatibility between the primer coat and finish coat.
To avoid by making sure that the surface to be painted is dry and the cover is effective in wet weather.
Wrinkles may cause paint is applied too thickly, or colour is not brushed out. The best remedy is after scraping, and sanding wipes the affected area with a damp cloth and prim bare areas with appropriate primer and repaint.
So as we have understood various paint problems along with their remedies, it can lead to early correction and significant reductions in maintenance costs. And hence these issues can be immediately recognized, modified and result in immediate rectifications.